
Clips4Sale Content Calendar by Sydney Screams
First off, thank you to everyone on Twitter who shared what they would want to see me blog about!! Creating resources for fellow SWers is something hugely important to me. I don’t have the bandwidth to help 1 on 1, despite the fact that I always want to help my […]

Shoot Workflows

The world is a weird, uncertain place right now. And let’s be real, it’s messing with all of us creative types. Somedays, we can create, somedays we just don’t have it in us. It’s understandable. We’re in the midst of a pandemic, something that we’ve not had to live through […]

8 Tips for Creating Content in Uncertain Times

As promised, this is a continuation of my last blog, which focused on the tools needed to up your clip production game. Tools are half the battle and unfortunately, they’re the easy part. I’d like to share a piece of knowledge that I remind myself of pretty often: What works […]

Upping Your Clip Production Game in 2019: Part 2

So, believe it or not, having a back-log of videos is actually relatively easy to accomplish…somewhat time consuming, but the easiest and most fun (for me, at least) . This is coming from someone who has 1-very little “free” or “extra” time, 2-has at least 3-6 months of back-logged content […]

Porn How-To: Making a Back-Log of Videos

Shoot Ideas
The other day one of my colleagues came at me with an interesting question: “How do you organize for a shoot?” A loaded question, with an even more loaded answer!! I wanted to break down my system, because I think it’s actually pretty efficient for getting things done when doing […]

How To Plan For A Shoot

A Genie Transformation 2
Ordering a custom video is exciting. You sit in the director’s chair and bring your ultimate fantasy to life with a custom video. Maybe you’ve inquired with your favorite model about getting a custom fetish video and the price was more than you anticipated. You probably wonder “How can a […]

The Real Cost of Custom Videos