Devouring Kitty Alive!

Sydney Devours Kitty

Kitty thinks that maybe Sydney could use a new diet

Sydney Devours Kitty

Kitty notices how fat Sydney’s been getting lately


Kitty noticed that I’ve put on some weight lately…that’s ok. I tell her she’s making it up, that I’m on a new diet that is really working out for me. Kitty thinks I’m wrong, and when I try to show her my new diet, she tells me I’m gross!! I can’t help that I’ve been devouring people, eating every last bit of flesh. Humans taste so good!! Poor Kitty… she should have joined me. Now I’ll just have to eat her!
Sydney Devours Kitty

Fat girls don’t like being told their diet isn’t good!

I put my hand over her mouth and plug her nose, making it hard for her to breath. Soon she’s knocked out, and I’m ready to devour her. When she awakes, I’m already munching on her toes. She can struggle and cry for help all she wants, but it’s too late!! 

Includes: Vore, Eating, BBW


Sydney Devours Kitty

Time for Kitty to come to her senses… only it’s too late! I’ve already eaten most of her!

Sydney Devours Kitty

Boy, Kitty sure did taste good! My stomach is all bloated from that delicious meal!

Sydney Devours Kitty

Sydney Devours Kitty

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